Live a Chakra Life

21st Feb 2022

Live a Chakra Life

Live a Chakra Life with stones that balance your life! 

Many people practice Chakra energy balancing during stressful times - and we all have had a stressful couple of years. Others practice Chakra energy balancing to take their meditation, yoga or other ancient practices to a new level of meaning. Some just like the idea that Chakras will help them without a lot of effort. 

Here are a few products that tie to a Chakra life balancing. Others are available on LifeXplore - just do a simple search. 


Many like to wear their Chakra. And this includes both men and women. These pendants are simple, and affordable. 

Buddha -  

Crystal Chakra Pendant


Using Chakras to decorate is a simple way to bring energy balance to your home or office. And, we like our silver or gold large Tree of Life Chakra Stone Ornaments. 

If you are more interested in a single stone, look for a balancing stone like Amethyst. Amethyst is a stone that is part of the Crown Chakra family of stones. This brings awareness, fulfillment and knowledge. Consider our Titanium Amethyst Crystal candle holder to your home. 

Have fun balancing the energy in your home, work, school or travel!