Yes Herbal Supplement, Liquid
YES SupplementsYES Liquid Herbal supplement is the ideal optimizer/ cleanser to help minimize the negative effects of harmful food additives.
The Benefits of YES™ Liquid Herbal Our blend is unique and believed by many to be the best on the market today. We put this herbal combination in a convenient capsule and we also have the original liquid (tea) as well.
The formula includes: Burdock Root, Sheep Sorrel, Cat's Claw Bark, and Turkish Rhubarb Root (just a bit).
- The Herbs Burdock Root – This herb is rich in vitamins B-complex and E. It also includes the trace minerals: potassium, phosphorous, chromium, cobalt, iron, magnesium, silicon, zinc, and sodium. Burdock Root increases circulation to the skin and helps cleanse the epidermal tissues. It has also been reported to destroy bacteria and fungus cultures. Burdock Root is known as a “blood purifier.” It helps eliminate toxins from the blood and lymphatic system. The liver, gall bladder, kidneys, and digestive system all benefit from its properties. It also helps with the elimination of excess fluids and the regulation of sugar.
- Sheep Sorrel – This herb is rich in vitamin A, B-complex, C, D, K, and E. Its minerals include significant levels of calcium, iron, magnesium, silicon, sulfur, zinc, manganese, iodine, and copper. This herb has been reported to aid in a wide variety of skin disorders as well as aiding in digestive disorders. Vitamin A strengthens the immune system by aiding in production of white blood cells. White blood cells attack many of the body’s harmful intruders. Sheep sorrel is also rich in chlorophyll. Chlorophyll increases oxygen content in the blood. High blood oxygen can increase the body’s action against many invasive conditions. This herb is also rich in potassium oxalate, which aids in digestion and has been shown to strengthen the immune system.
- Cat’s Claw Bark – This herb is effective for treating a variety of digestive and upper respiratory disorders. It’s great for circulation and has also been shown to help in treating rheumatism, gastritis, ulcers, and some allergies.
- Slippery Elm Bark – This herb is a natural antibiotic and has exceptional cleansing properties. It helps coat and lubricate the artery wall, which helps blood flow. It has also been shown to protect membrane linings in the joints and can provide relief of inflamed areas. Turkish Rhubarb Root – This herb has been used in China for more than 2,000 years. It has very impressive detoxifying properties, especially in the liver. This herb also has antibiotic and anti-microbial properties.
Unlike most commercial herbal supplements, YES™ Herbal is produced in small, limited quantities. The herbs have no pesticides and are certified organic or wild crafted. We have these incredible herbs produced in pristine parts of the world ideal for each herb. There is short world-wide supply of this level of herbal excellence. Surprisingly, when it comes to herbs, the exact place they are grown makes all the difference. YES™ personnel have spent close to a decade searching for the best, and we have found them for you. After harvest, the herbs are dried, and blended to our specific formula. Vegetable-based encapsulation completes the process.
By Brian Peskin Original YES™ Liquid Herbal is based on a time-tested blend used for over 100 years. All herbs used in our formula are organic of wild crafted. Formulated to replace the Herbal capsule formulation in the Brian Peskin monthly supplement plan. 31 oz Fluid Herbal Formula
- The Problem:
- We've paid a large price for our modern conveniences - especially in food! Contamination from toxins (preservatives, pesticides, and hormones) that our bodies aren't equipped to handle is killing us. Pesticide toxins in our soil, pollution in our air
- The Solution:
- We are fortunate that Nature hasn't left us without a way to combat these modern toxins. The formula for YES™ Herbal is derived from the Essiac™ concept tonic, a time-tested blend used for close to 100 years by the Iroquoi & Ojibwa Indians.
- Herbal Liquid Supplement:
- 31 oz Fluid Herbal Formula
- Directions for use:
- Take 1 fluid ounce (appox 2 tablespoons) daily, anytime. Take with or without food.
- Shipping:
- From Arizona. May drop ship from warehouse if closer.