Ammonites and Orthoceras Fossil Heart Shape Dish | NWT
LifeXploreOrthoceras & Ammonite Black Marble Heart bowl can be used as a food bowl, herb storage, jewelry dish, etc. Use on your personal altar as an offering bowl or to hold dried smudging herbs, crystals or incense. Use as a catch-all dish for all your trinkets: Jewelry, coins, desk supplies…plant medicine. Great for natural soaps that can get messy - super upgrade your bathroom or kitchen soap dish!
Fossil ammonites and orthoceras in black marble matrix
Each is unique in size, color, and pattern
Polished to a super shiny luster
Heart approx 6" x 6"
Food safe as this is a natural carved piece with no glazes
Hand-wash only, no harsh chemicals
Orthoceras ("straight horn") is a genus of an extinct nautiloid cephalopod that lived during the Devonian period nearly 400 million years ago. Like other cephalopods they lived inside of their shell, had tentacles they could use to grab food and used jet propulsion, squirting water to move. Ancestors to the modern day squid, they ranged in size from a few inches to six feet. As they died their shells accumulated on the ocean floor, were covered in sediment and fossilized. They can be found in Morocco, Estonia, Lithuania, Sweden, Ukraine and Belarus.
This genusis sometimes called Orthoceratites. Note it is sometimes misspelled as Orthocera, Orthocerus or Orthoceros.
- Color:
- Black/White/Gray
- Material:
- Stone